Power of Dongil Man.
Posture constantly trying to challenge
the spirit and passion for experiments
based on the belief!
The Dongil Electroics, extraordinary effort to contribute to the economic development of respect for human life and substantial management for more than 30 years of corporate management has substantial management and employee welfare policy based on a stable financial structure, spread out.
Credit and loyalty to someone who can keep promises
Personal charm and caring, warm person crush
Your position on the appropriate role and fulfills its duty.
People with the passion of becoming the best in the field of his or her
Who seek ever-higher goals, do not settle for the current
People to realize the dream of a new challenge goal bar in the active transformation
People with the passion of becoming the best in the field of his or her
Who seek ever-higher goals, do not settle for the current
People to realize the dream of a new challenge goal bar in the active transformation